When buying a home with well water, be sure to include a well inspection to ensure the well is in good working order and the quality of the water produced meets health standards. Well Inspections can identify potential issues by checking various places throughout the house and sampling the water. The following services are offered:
Septic systems are a little trickier in that the health of the septic system can be dependent on the size of the family using it. We'll do a septic inspection, analyze the current septic system and provide information about potential issues. Septic inspections are recommended when purchasing an older home or a home that had many kids to ensure the health of the system is good. The following septic services are offered:
Our goal is to educate our customers during the inspection and we will discuss the components of the septic system and offer suggestions on how to maintain the septic system. Proper maintenance of the septic system will protect your investment in the home. A verbal pass/fail of the septic system will be given at site and a written report including any Health Dept. records and findings on site will be included.
A complete inspection includes surge testing the system with a minimum of 125 gallons of water to determine if the system is functioning hydraulically. Checking the baffles of the septic tank and solid level will also be done. The absorption system will be checked and dye testing of the system will be performed. Check out our FAQ for more information.
Dye Tests are where the septic system will be dyed and slug tested with a minimum of 100 gallons of water. The licensed Environmental Sanitarian or Maryland Certified Septic Inspector will walk the property looking for evidence of sewage effluent on the ground surface and/or the presence of the overboard discharge pipes. Check out our FAQ for more information.
We assist with septic system designs for new or existing homes on the Eastern Shore in MD. The following services are offered: